Initial Consultation

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Individual Consultation

  • Duration: 30 Minutes
  • Modes: Video call/Audio calls
  • Discuss your issues and concerns
  • Understand the cause and problem
  • Discover the way forward
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Couple & Family Consultation

  • Duration: 45 Minutes
  • Modes: Video call/Audio calls
  • Discuss your issues and concerns
  • Understand the cause and problem
  • Discover the way forward

Therapy Session

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Individual Therapy Sessions

  • Duration: 45 Minutes
  • For all age groups
  • Therapy session for management and treatment of provisional diagnosis of psychological disorders. For example- after case history and psychological assessments a provisional diagnosis of depression/anxiety/obsessive-compulsive or any other disorder is noted
  • All types of disorders can be treated
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Couple Therapy Sessions

  • Duration: Depends on Disorder
  • For couple counselling and marital therapy
  • Therapy sessions include having detailed discussion of relationship challenges, scope of improvement and understanding the concerns and issues
  • To plan therapy sessions for a couple to resolve conflicts and build healthy relationships
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Family Therapy Sessions

  • Duration: Depends on Disorder
  • For groups or Family
  • Therapy sessions include having detailed discussion of relationship between family members, understanding issues and maintaining healthy family environment.
  • To plan therapy sessions for the family to resolve conflicts between each other and build healthy relationships.